if you're stuck, try taking in the sights and contemplating the little things. time can solve many ills.


my first attempt at a bitsy game—which really was intended to be simpler but then i decided i wanted to do some stuff that apparently goes beyond the scope of the hacks i already was using. which is to say i ended up implementing my own step counter to execute arbitrary functions at certain step counts. this was harder than you'd think.

also sorry if it's buggy as hell. i decided to try my hand like three days before the deadline,


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How many steps exactly does it take for something to happen/game end ?

By walking around, the walls will start to degrade and disappear; once they do, you can walk out and the game ends.

Oh! I was wondering why specifically checking the empty vending machine repeatedly made the walls disappear, I hadn't realized just walking did it too.

(Anyway this is nice! I like the dialogue counter, replaying to discover steps I might have skipped. Also I have to salute the effort to make a hack just for this haha)